Education Resources

Street Music in Education

Street Bands are accessible and empowering with unique potentials in formal and informal education, and to children and young people to make music. Their music builds musical confidence and improvisation skills, develops ensemble playing and confidence, builds rhythmic and listening skills.

The music enables children and young people to make music in a safe way that accommodates a wide range of skills and abilities. This approach can combine vocals, body percussion, drumming, instrumental playing and is an effective way to start teaching instrumental playing.

The music is a great way to create and write new music and easily combines with other art forms, including making costumes, instruments, lanterns, banners to create parades, celebrations and outdoor shows. It is also a great way to find out about musical cultures around the world’

The Sound of the Streets creates youngbands, offers resources for education and also runs a Street Band Education Network for people to share and discuss ideas, approaches and resources

To find out more about these vibrant and life- affirming bands that exist around the world, have a listen to our podcasts!

Below are comprehensive resources to help you use street band music in both Primary and Secondary education.


Street Band Education Network

This is an informal network of people interested in Street Band approaches in formal and informal education hosted by The Sound of the Streets.

It’s a place to make contacts, share ideas and resources and comes together via zoom and will meet up at our festivals. For more information contact

We are working with some of the country’s leading organisation using street band approaches:

OI Musica

Honk! Lancashire

Brass Band England

Kinetika Bloco

Jamma de Samba

More Music Morecombe

Boom Dang

Through our festival and activities we have links with may of the UKs street bands:

The Horns of Plenty, Blast Furness, The Young Pilgrims, Riot Jazz, Wonderbrass, The Peace Artists, Frome Street Bandits, The Big Noise, The Ambling Band, Perhaps Contraption, Skintight Samba, Ilu Axe, Brass Junkies and many more.